
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

18th-Century Connecticutian or Muppet?

Today, I have a game for you. I'll give you some names and you tell me whether they belong to people born in Connecticut between 1701 and 1800 or to Muppets who have appeared on Sesame Street.

1. Herbert Birdsfoot
2. Sherlock Doolittle
3. Hannah Hobby
4. Vincent Twice
5. Herman Bird
6. Orange Wedge
7. Alice Braithwaite Goodyshoes
8. Bathsheba Bird
9. Bathsheba Bugbee
10. Appleton Osgood
11. Lola Tuttle
12. Algernon Snerp
13. Noble Lyon
14. Nobel Price
15. Samuel Snively
16. Grover Partridge
17. Fanny Nesselrode
18. Comfort Hungerford
19. Christopher Clumsy
20. Forgetful Jones
21. Remember Baker
22. Abby Cadabby
23. More Bird
24. Polly Darton
25. Festus Canada

Answers here.


  1. Nutmeggers, please.

  2. Agreed, born in Connecticut (Manchester to be exact) and a genuine nutmegger,

  3. Most people would have thought so many of those names were Muppet-like, but all of the names just seem fine and legit to me. ... except Orange Wedge. That one's just kind of weird.

  4. Most people would have thought so many of those names were Muppet-like, but all of the names just seem fine and legit to me. ... except Orange Wedge. That one's just kind of weird.

  5. Fun Fact*: Orange Wedge went on to found Orange, Connecticut.

    *possibly untrue
