Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Flower Names: Beyond Rose and Lily

As I await Snapdragon's arrival, I'm amusing myself with the census records. Today's theme, in honor of Snapdragon: Flower Names. It's no challenge to dig up scores of Roses, Lillies, and Violets, but I'm betting that there are some more interesting botanicals out there.

Azalea Bush, b. 1905, Georgia

Honeysuckle Rankin, b. 1913, Whatcom, WA (1920 Census)

Mayflower Garland, b. 1884, Marshall, TX (1920 Census)

Mistletoe Belle, b. 1880, Sharkey, MS (1900 Census)

Rhododendron Speight, North Carolina

Acanthus Evans, d. 1886, New Hampshire (note: most Americans named Acanthus have been men)

Lobelia Scroggins, b. 1917, Franklin, TX (1930 Census) — fun fact: Lobelia is also known as pukeweed and vomitwort. In the Victorian language of flowers, it stands for malevolence!

Geranium Topper, b. 1873, San Francisco, CA (1920 Census)

Thistle Bliss, b. 1894, Torrington, WY (1930 Census) — married into a tongue-twister

Dandeline Geiselman, b. 1853, Woodsboro, MD (1870 Census)

Chrysanthemum Banks, b. 1894, Adams, IL (1920 Census) — I tried to find an example that wasn't smudged, but, shockingly, multiple census workers had trouble spelling Chrysanthemum, so they are all scratched out or written-over.

Buttercup Schuman, b. 1887, Prickley Pear, MT (1920 Census)


jen said...

so i think the name Lobeilia is just proof that parents across the centuries have been cruel when naming their children! congrats on the pregnancy!!!

Heather Wilkinson Rojo said...

I'm Heather, my sister is Laurel (she was going to be Holly due on Christmas, but arrived early and got the other name) I'm just glad our last name isn't Bush!

Robert J. said...

It's not a flower, but if you feel like something in Elamite, you could always go for Chedorlaomer. (It was a new one on me.)