Saturday, November 8, 2008

101 Ways, Part 62: Made His Exit

For a brief intro to the "101 Ways to Say 'Died'" series, click here.

Samuel Jones, Concord, MA (1806):

Men drop so fast, 'ere life's mid stage we tread
Few know so many friends alive as dead."
This monumental stone is
Erected in memory of
who made his exit Nov. 6
1806 aged 36 years.
His virtues were too many to be
enumerated here; but they gained him
the love of all who knew him and
are too deeply engraved on their mem
ories to be forgotten.
Early he departed this life; and has gone 
as we trust to the bosom of his 
Heavenly Father.

Commenter RJO provides this photo of a nearly identical gravestone from Fitchburg, MA, showing that the Dwight workshop, like many others, offered standard templates with minor variations in the details:

1 comment:

Caitlin GD Hopkins said...

Thanks for the great connection!

Yes, this stone is in the graveyard in the center of Concord. If I remember correctly, it is over the crest of the hill and down toward the back, near the John Jack stone.