Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gravestone of the Day: Thomas Livermore

Thomas Livermore, 1761, Grove Hill Cemetery, Waltham, MA
Here lie the Remains of THOMAS
LIVERMORE. Justly esteemed for his
Uprightness & Piety, a kind Husband,
tender Parent, an obliging Neighbour
& endearing Friend: Who Sustained the
Office of a Deacon in ye Church more than
forty Years to universal acceptance a
lover of Gods House, constantly attending
his publick Worship he lived under the
Influences of the Christian Hope & died
in Expectation of a blessed I~mortality on
may 8th 1761. AEts. 86 years.

I don't know whether I've ever seen that abbreviation for a double m on a Massachusetts gravestone before. It doesn't seem like it would save time for the carver and he didn't use it on any other consonants.

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