Friday, May 29, 2009

101 Ways, Part 82: Call'd . . . to His Reward

I apologize for the quality of this picture. I visited Wakefield on a lovely, sunny day, but this stone is deep in the shade of several trees. It should still be legible if you blow it up.
Nathaniel Stow, Wakefield, MA, 1737
carved by Lamson workshop

Here lyes Interr'd ye Body
Call'd to His Office Octo. 4th
& to His Reward Decr. 15th 1737
AEtatis 40.

1 comment:

Robert J. said...

I love the ones that show evidence of some degree of literary originality -- that's how I real the parallel construction "called to his office and to his reward." Quite lovely.

It reminds me of an epitaph quoted in the Oxford Book of Oxford, for a boy who was admitted but died before the term began. It was something like, "He was the first in his class and we hope not the last in heaven, whither he went instead of to Oxford."