Friday, August 20, 2010

Gravestone of the Day: William Metcalf Mann

William Metcalf Mann, 1817, North Burial Ground, Providence, RI
That Life is long which answers Life's great End.
Erected in Memory of
the Virtues which distinguished
the Life of
who died March 2, 1817,
in the 23d Year of his Age.
He was the second Son of
Mr. ALFRED MANN, of Smithfield,
and by his Enterprise, Integrity
and Intelligence, promised to reward
[the] Hopes of kindred Affection.
--- was assailed with a deceitful
--- which prematurely removed
--- Joys and Activities
--- of Life,
--- hence where Virtue
--- eternal Reward.

I wish I could find a transcription of this epitaph. I really want to know what is deceitful.

This epitaph caught my eye because it purports to be a monument to William Metcalf Mann's virtues, rather than to the man himself.

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