Sunday, May 24, 2009

101 Ways, Part 81: Resigned His Mortal Life . . .

For a brief intro to the "101 Ways to Say 'Died'" series, click here.

This one is similar to #22 and #73, but use of the phrase "Future World" sets it apart.
Here Lyes Inter'd ye Body
of ye Much Respected Doctr
Benjamin Wheate Son to
Doctr, Samuel Wheate of
Cambridge New England,
Who after a Laborious Life
Spent to Sarve Mankind
Resigned his Mortal Life
In ye full hope & Expecta-
tion of a better in ye Future
World; Dyed Janr, 27th
1758 in ye 49th year
of his Age.
Benjamin Wheate, Norwichtown, CT, 1758
carved by Josiah Manning

1 comment:

Robert J. said...

What a shame those aren't on better stone. They aren't going to last much longer. Take all the good pictures you can and put them on deposit in several libraries.