Friday, October 16, 2009

Good Deed For the Day

A few years ago, I found a box of 100-150 WWII-era letters at a flea market. Most of the letters were from a woman in Maine to her son, Private Robert Cameron, who was away in the army. Along with the letters, there were several photographs, newspaper clippings, schoolwork, etc.

I always wondered about Robert Cameron's family and whether he had any descendants. Often, family papers end up in flea markets when someone dies without children or grandchildren, so I wasn't optimistic about finding anyone who would want these letters back.

Then, a few weeks ago, I was on and, on a whim, looked for Robert Cameron — and found him! I emailed the person who had him in her family tree, who turned out to be his granddaughter. She was very excited to hear about these letters and told me that her grandmother is still alive and would love to have these back. I boxed up the letters and sent them off to her today.

And that is my good deed of the day.


Anonymous said...

that is so cool!!!!

J. L. Bell said...

This is the sort of story that the “liked it” toggle was made for.

The History Enthusiast said...

I love happy endings!