Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Red-Tailed Hawk on Campus

I wish I could carry my big camera around campus on a daily basis, but I can't manage it and my computer at the same time. That means I have only my non-zooming cell phone to capture fun things like this red-tailed hawk. There is a pair of hawks on campus — they are always screeching, but very rarely perch so low to the ground.

I would have had an amazing pic if I had had my Nikon. Perhaps I need a mid-sized, mid-powered option.


Caitlin GD Hopkins said...


Caitlin GD Hopkins said...

It is difficult to tell whether you are kidding, so in the name of charity, I will assume that you are.

Unknown said...

Last time I checked, Puerto Rico WAS part of America...just sayin'.

Heather Wilkinson Rojo said...

My dorm was on Oxford St., and a woodpecker used to wake us up everymorning by banging on the window trim. Maybe we had bugs!

Caitlin GD Hopkins said...

Moderator's note:

There used to be an offensive comment between RJO's comment and my first comment. It bothered me all night, so I decided to remove it. Usually, when the moderator removes a comment, the text is deleted and the skeleton of the comment remains, but since Blogger's workflow for doing this is TOTALLY UNCLEAR, I accidentally deleted the whole thing.

In any event, let me make it perfectly clear that hateful comments have no place on this blog and will be deleted. Thank you, Amy, for responding appropriately while I was still wishy-washy.

Unknown said...

I was having office hours at a table outside Gato Rojo (Lehman Hall) and we were divebombed by a redtailed hawk, just about a year ago, I think. Came straight down from the roof of Lehman, then shot out into Harvard Yard only about 12 feet up.

-- Nat Taylor

Caitlin GD Hopkins said...

That sounds scary! Were you eating mouse muffins?

In August, I was studying for my general exams and decided to take a book out onto the yard instead of reading in the library. I was out there for about 10 minutes before I had to go inside because the screeching was so loud! I think they have a nest in the tower of Memorial Hall — they're always circling there.