Sunday, November 15, 2009

101 Ways, Part 113: Commenced Her Inseparable Union With Her Much Beloved Husband and Her God

For a brief intro to the "101 Ways to Say 'Died'" series, click here.

Jane Robbins
d. 1800
Plymouth, MA

I don't know where the original line breaks came in this epitaph, so I have broken it where it makes sense to me. There may be a word or two missing from the transcription in the last line before the verse.

This Stone
consecrated to the memory of
consort of the late
Revd Dr Robbins
who languished from his death
30th June 1799
till 12th September 1800
when in the 60th year of her age
She commenced her inseparable
union with her much beloved Husband
and her God
[?] is erected by the Piety
of her afflicted children.
Unfading hope when life's last embers burn,
When soul to soul and dust to dust return,
Heav'n to thy charge resigns the awful hour
Oh, then thy Kingdom comes immortal Power.

1 comment:

Caitlin GD Hopkins said...

There are a couple in Burlington that say "Madam," but yes, they are very rare.