Due to Harvard's insane semester schedule, I am currently in the midst of a paper-writing frenzy instead of a relaxing holiday break. Thus, posting has been and will continue to be light as I devote every impulse to write toward the writing that has due dates attached to it.
In the meantime, I will post some pictures of my Christmas presents. One of the best ones is this Bellarmine Jug from Pete, who very sweetly remembered my affinity for them.
We don't know how old it is or where it came from — our only clue is that it came from an antiques dealer in the Netherlands.
I haven't had time to research the medallion, which may provide some clues. Unfortunately, it's a but difficult to search for this particular medallion on the internet, since all Bellarmine jugs feature bearded men.
I like his hat.
It is a bellarmine jug made in Frechen.A small town near the city of Cologne in Germany. it dates from the 16th century,1570-1590.
Thanks for the info. Do you recognize the medallion?
The medallion is one of many.the potters used mould to make this type of medallions en the potter used engravings with pictures of everday life in the 16/17th century.to make the moulds.It is just a potrait of a guy in 16th century dress.
Itis avery common medallion.They used this type medallions all the time. It not the potrait of a famous person.It just one of many.
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