Tuesday, September 2, 2008

101 Ways, Part 17: Fell Aslep in Jesus

For a brief intro to the "101 Ways to Say 'Died'" series, click here.

Continuing with the "Fell Asleep" theme, today's synonym for "died" is "fell Aslep in jesus." This phrase appears on the gravestone of Elizabeth Huntington of Windham, CT. Her epitaph:
Here lies ye Body of that
Graciou [sic] Saint of Christ
Mrs. Elizebth Huntington
Wife to Capt. Thomas
Huntington Esqr. & after
She had liued Apios life
fell Aslep in jesus Decembr
29 1729 Ageed 59 yr
Her husband, Thomas Huntington, also "Fell A Sleep in jesus."

This stone is notable not only for its epitaph but also for displaying some of Obadiah Wheeler's characteristic stylistic elements. In addition to the rosette finials, this design incorporates the narrow-nosed Wheeler face, a central heart, and the wild, staring eyes formed by the whorls beneath the winged soul effigy. Unfortunately, this wonderful stone has fallen over and is slowly sinking beneath the ground. As a proud Windham Whippet, I'm going to have to see what can be done about preserving it.

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