Sunday, September 14, 2008

101 Ways, Part 29: Kill'd By a Cart

For a brief intro to the "101 Ways to Say 'Died'" series, click here.

John Hill of Arlington was "kill'd by a cart" in 1798. Boston's Columbian Centinel elaborated in a June 30th death notice:

1 comment:

Caitlin GD Hopkins said...

I checked the 1798 Boston Directory for Boot and Thwing, but wasn't able to find anything obvious.

Mr. Kirk Boot, merchant (Boot & Pratt), lived on Sudbury St. and had a shop or office at #30 State St.

There are three men named Mr. Thwing:
James, cashier @ Massachusetts Bank
Samuel Sr., clerk @ Massachusetts Bank
Samuel Jr., baker (I double-checked in the newspaper - he's definitely a baker, not a banker)