Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Abijah Perkins

Another favorite from Hanover, Connecticut: the Abijah Perkins stone (1782). It is unclear whether Abijah is really buried here or if he died in prison, perhaps on one of the infamous prisoner of war ships in New York and might have been buried elsewhere.
To the worthy Memory 
of Doctr, Abijah Perkins
who after enduring Im-
prisonment Chains Hunger
and ye barbarbous Insults of
cruel Britons, Departed
this Life Augst, 31st, AD 1782
Aged 27: in ye Bloom of
youth a Martyr to his
Country's Cause
Great God forgive our
proud imperious foe,
Whose cruel usage caus'd
his early death
May we be still & trebling [sic]
Learn to know . . .
Hrm, I seem not to have taken a picture that shows the bottom line or two of the epitaph, which is a shame, since it seems to be an original composition. I'll swing by Hanover over Easter and see if I can dig down a bit (not too far!) and read that last bit.

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